Guidelines for the short story contest:
- Story must be 2,500 words or fewer.
- Only one story may be submitted per applicant.
- No offensive language: stories should not contain vulgarity, excessive violence, or material considered offensive to any religious or ethnic groups, gender, or persons with physical or mental disabilities. Such material will be disqualified.
- Authors must be in grades 5-7.
- Deadline for entries is Wednesday, May 15. Entries may be submitted electronically or at the Youth Services desk at the library.
- Keep a copy of your story. Entries will not be returned.
Winners will be announced here on Thursday, May 23.
First Place Prize
$50 Writer's Block Bookstore gift card & publication on WPL website
Second Place Prize
$25 Writer's Block Bookstore gift card & publication on WPL website
Third Place Prize
$20 Writer's Block Bookstore gift card & publication on WPL website