Room Reservation Guidelines

Room Reservation Guidelines

Due to increased demand of the Collaboration Rooms:
Effective October 1, 2024, full-service cardholders may reserve the rooms up to eight (8) times per month and up to thirty (30) days out. Reservations made before October 1 that are up to ninety (90) days out will be honored.

  • Reservations can be made up to twelve times per month, per card (restrictions apply for Youth Study rooms).
  • Reservations can be made up to three months in advance.
  • Each reservation may last up to four hours.
  • Users may not enter the room until the reservation begins and should leave when the  reservation ends.
  • The Library is not responsible for items left in the room. Please make arrangements to secure your belongings if you need to leave during your reservation.
  • Please allow up to two business days for approval and/or response to Collaboration Rooms, Youth Study Rooms, and Recording Studio requests.
  • All users are expected to adhere to the Library Code of Conduct while using a room.

The Library Director and/or the Board of Trustees are authorized to deny permission to use Library rooms to any person or group if:

  • They are disorderly or violate the Library Code of Conduct.
  • The anticipated meeting is likely to be unreasonably disruptive to routine Library functions.
  • It is too large for the applicable room capacity.

The Library Director and/or the Board of Trustees may determine whether any proposed use of a room will necessitate a police detail or other extraordinary security. If the Library determines that additional security is necessary, the person/group/organization seeking to rent the space will be required to pay the Library, in advance of the meeting, the anticipated sum of the police protection. In making these determinations, the Director and/or Board of Trustees may take into consideration:

  • The history of the group’s room use and/or behavior in the Library
  • Any information deemed appropriate and it/they may consult with local law enforcement