Tis energetic walk (approximately 2-2.5 miles and lasting 45-60 minutes) is for the speed walker in you! Finish with a water break, stretches and discussion. Convene on the Library Belvedere.
Ages birth to 12 months; Duration: 20 minutes
Ages 13 - 24 months; Duration: 25 minutes
Grades 5-12. Develop skills essential to theater performance in this series of eight classes. Learn and rehearse monologues and scenes for a student showcase on Tuesday, May 2.
January-April, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
Ages 18+. Enjoy a historically inspired movie and stick around afterwards to rip apart everything the movie got wrong! Discuss the historical inaccuracies with our Archivist. This month's movie: Spirited Away (2017).
Local writers in the Orange County Chapter of the Florida Writer’s Association (FWA), formerly led by Rik Feeney, gather here to read, listen and give feedback.